Frameless Shower Enclosure Installation

With any remodeling project, having the right knowledge is paramount to whether the job will be able to be completed correctly. When considering installing a frameless shower enclosure, it is important to understand how to complete the task with so many delicate parts that must be put into place. Trying to get the job done quickly may end up costing more in the long run.

The first things to consider are the large panes of glass that must be brought into the space you intend to remodel. This glass can shatter if handled or placed incorrectly so prior to moving it into the bathroom it may be wise to put a rug or carpet on the bathroom floor.

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This will prevent the pane from shattering if it is accidentally dropped while being carried into the room.

Next, place the glass where you intend to put the clips. It is vital that the clips and the glass are level, as well as accurately aligned, for the most accurate measurements. Mark where you intend to drill. After the clips are secured be sure to place the setting blocks down prior to securing the glass.

For additional information on how to install a frameless shower enclosure, please review the attached video.


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