This video explains how water flows from your well into your home. The Silver Cymbal channel demonstrates “Well Water Pressure Pumps and Tanks” in this YouTube video. The video shows the components of your water system.
The holding tank is a cylindrical tank. It reserves water in the tank, so you’ll have water to drink. The water softener: a rectangular container. On the inside is salt pellets which process “hard” water, to make it drinkable. The water conditioner removes iron and manganese from well water. It holds the main pressure gauge. The water pipe emerges from a hole in the floor and brings in water from your well. Acting with the water pipe, the electrical cord directs water to the holding tank.
Before it gets to the holding tank, water flows through several gauges. The gauges control water pressure. The center dial displays water pressure: ideally between 40-70 PSI. If the water pressure becomes too high, the system corrects this imbalance. To the side of the series of pipes is a green flange called the utility valve. This valve shuts off water in the home when needed.
Learning about your water well pumps may seem complicated. However, with experience, you can learn how the system works. If you have any questions, call a professional plumber.